Curry Supply Co. is releasing two new types of trucks that are aimed at highway safety. The first truck is The Curry Supply cone truck which is a brand-new design for the company and comes with highway safety features like a Wanco arrow board to signal drivers to be cautious. The arrow board is operated from within the cab and is solar-powered. This heavy-duty flatbed is also equipped with high visibility accents to make the truck more visible, as well as shatter-proof work lights to enable road workers to deploy and pick up cones safely.
The second new product is the metro truck-attenuator (TMA). The metro TMA resembles Curry Supply’s current crash attenuator truck used on highways, but due to its total length only being eight feet when deployed, this metro design is ideal for use in urban areas. Like all Curry Supply Company highway safety vehicles, this truck is designed to be durable and tough with its curved aluminum frame and honeycomb internal frame.
“Both of our new designs are part of the highway safety family of vehicles. We’ve had experience with crash attenuator trucks over the past ten years, so we know our new offering will be greeted with some acclaim,” Jeff Shaw, VP of Sales at Curry Supply, says. “The cone truck, on the other hand, is our first foray into this vehicle application. Seeing how it was developed in response to our clients’ needs, we’re confident it will be as successful as the rest of our portfolio.”