It takes more than just a driver’s licence to operate a service truck in the province of Maine. As most service trucks are designed and built to serve a particular or unique purpose, it’s really the driver and/or crew that have all the valuable skills – making the service truck more of a toolbox on wheels. With a wide variety of service trucks operating today, special skills and trades are needed to get the mobile jobs done – not just a vehicle to get there.
Below you will find details of various education and training programs related to the service truck industry in Maine, including heavy-duty and diesel mechanic programs, mobile and boom hoist operator programs, apprenticeships, and more.
Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanic Training Programs
The following schools in Maine offer heavy-duty equipment mechanic education and training programs:
Eastern Maine Community College
Washington County Community College
Westbrook Regional Vocational Center
International Union of Operating Engineers Local 4
Mobile Crane / Boom Truck Hoist Operator Training Programs
The following schools in Maine offer mobile crane and boom truck hoist operator training programs:
Diesel Mechanic Training Programs
The following schools in Maine offer diesel mechanic education and training programs:
Northern Maine Community College
Eastern Maine Community College
Coastal Washington County Institute of Technology
Welding Training Programs
The following schools in Maine offer welding education and training programs:
Eastern Maine Community College
Washington County Community College
Kennebec Valley Community College
Many tradespeople go through a formal training or education programing before going into an apprenticeship, where they spend many hours obtaining on-the-job training from certified professionals in their respective industries.
Below you will find information on apprenticeship opportunities in the province of Maine:
Apprenticeship USA – Job Finder